Friday, March 7, 2014

Photo Class Journal 7


Photo Class Journal 7, a set on Flickr.

My favorite styles of photography are color isolation and tilt-shift. I like to use color isolation to create emphasis on certain items. I like to use it, but I don't overuse it. I like the tilt-shift because It makes big things look small and miniature. I like these because they create special effects.

Photo Class Journal 6


Photo Class Journal 6, a set on Flickr.

My favorite subjects to photograph are landscapes and scenery. I like it because it can be unpredictable but predictable at the same time. I also love the fact that I can take it slowly and fully take it in, unlike high action subjects like sports. There is usually a second chance with nature and landscapes because they don't change as rapidly and I go back and take different angles or use different settings. To me it's a very flexible and forgiving subject.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Space Notes/Examples

  • 3D volume that can be empty or filled with objects
  • negative space = area around an object
  • positive space = actual object
  • objects are arranged in a line to show distance
One Point Perspective
  • looking away to one vanishing point
Aerial/Atmospheric Perspective
  • a way of using color or value (or both) to show space or depth
  • lighter = appear distant and have less detail
  • darker = appear closer to the viewer
Interesting space farming
  • eye is forced to see through something



1-point perspective/interesting space:

Negative space:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Photo Class Journal 5

HeartSomeone I LoveRedLove ItselfCandy

Photo Class Journal 5, a set on Flickr.

I was never really into Valentine's Day. I always called it "single awareness day". As a kid in elementary school we would obviously pass out cards to everyone but that was on a "everyone gets one" basis. Most of those cards never meant anything. Besides, why show love on just one day of the year or more on just one day of the year? Love isn't just a one day act.

Journal 4


Photo Class Journal 4, a set on Flickr.

I take photos because it's one of my passions. It's really amazing seeing the world from a new perspective that normally I wouldn't see. Whether the photos are composed or documenting an event it's just really fun to see what I can take and see how they can be touched up or edited. Light painting, selective coloring, and the tilt-shift (miniature) effect are my favorite categories in photography because they require the photographer to be creative. Photography is a form of self expression and I just love being able to be creative.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pattern + Color Notes 2/6/14

  • Repetition of visual elements
    • such as lines, shapes, colors
  • Regular
    • measurable, repeated exactly, planned -> poka dots, plaid
  • Irregular
    • can occur in nature, not exact, somewhat random -> pineapple, zebra, animal fur
  • Radial
    • Pattern repeated around central point or axis -> bike wheel

  • is light
  • 3 Properties
    • Hue
      • color name or family
    • Value
      • lightness or darkness
      • color + white = tint
      • color + grey = tone
      • color + black = shade
    • Intensity
      • brightness (saturation)
      • mix color with opposite to dull it
  • Complimentary
  • Temperature
    • Warm:active, pop out (RV-Y)
    • Cool:Passive, Calming, Recede to the back ground (V-YG)
    • Red Violet = somewhat neutral - RV appears cool when surrounded by warm colors; YG appears warm when surrounded by cool
  • Monochromatic
    • color + tint/tone/shade
    • one color
  • Analogous
    • next to each other on color wheel








Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Value Photography 2/4/14


  • Value- lightness or darkness of something
  • Closer to white is high key
  • Closer to black is low key
  • Contrast = light next to dark
  • Texture= surface quality of something or how it feels



High Key:

Low Key:


Line Photography + Positive + Negative (2/3/14)

*Lead line/lines lead eyes through photography
*converging lines= lines all meet in one spot; eyes follow lines to vanishing point
*Lines can be real or implied
-implied = lines you can't touch or get to such as the horizon line
*soft lines/curves = implied peach
*sharp/rigid lines = implied anger
*hazy + fuzzy lines = implied mystically
*sharper change of direction = speed

*shape = space contained in line
*Geometric- ones that are measurable
*Organic- not as measurable
*Positive- matter
Negative-absence of matter


Line Photography:

