Monday, January 27, 2014

Journal Week 3

I choose not to make a New Year’s resolution this year because honestly, who actually lives up to them?  I decided not to make any promises to myself that I cannot keep.  I have however taken on a photo a week challenge and a different photo a day challenge.  I’d like to keep those going through the year but there’s no promises in that.

As for the photos this week, Blogger is messing up big time and I am unable to attach the pictures to this post. The link below is a link to my Flickr set. Each photo is named. CLICK HERE OR DIE

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Journal 2

Family Communication
My family communication varies greatly.  My grandparents (Dad’s side) used to always talk about things and always seemed to work things out.  One time my grandma threw a frying pan at my grandpa’s head but they still loved each other the next day.  Because of that their marriage lasted over 50 years until my grandpa died.  The rest of my (extended) family doesn’t talk about things, others talk smack about everyone, some barely talk, and others talk too much.

Composition Photos 1/23/14

Photos from the internet (all pictures by Carrie Gong):

Rule of Thirds:



Composition NOTES 1/23/14

  • Rule of thirds
    • image divided into 3 equal points both horizontally and vertically
    • Keep Center of Interest (CI) away from center of photo
    • Horizon in upper or lower third
    • more interesting visually pleasing
  • Static vs. Dynamic
  • still
    • lacking movement/action
  • boring
  • centered
  • informational, reference
  • ok for portraits
  • horizontal + vertical lines parallel to edges of photos; straight on
  • symmetrical balance
    • (exactly similar parts facing each other
  • suggest stability, exaggerated balance, confinement, rigidity
  • moving
    • characterized by constant change, energy, or activity
  • exciting
  • rule of thirds
  • compelling, emotional
    • have to look at it
  • lots of diagonals + converging lines
  • center of interest to one side or the other (rule of thirds)
  • asymmetrical (informal) balance
  • action or motion

    • landscape suggests peace, rest
    • portrait suggests power, dignity, height

Friday, January 17, 2014

Photo Assignments Week 1

Self PortraitMorning 3Morning 2Morning 1Transportation 2Transportation 1
Sunset 3Sunset 2Sunset 1Road

Photo Class Journal Week 1, a set on Flickr.

All the photo assignments for week 1

Entry 1

I want to be remembered not just for my photos and videos, but for who I am.  I want to be remembered as the one who was living without a care, the one who liked to have a good time.  Some friends would remember me as the one to go for comfort and support.  I just want to be remembered as me.




Self Portrait:

Notes for Week 1- 1/13 through 1/17

Photo Notes 1.13.14
Story- What is the image telling you about what is happening at the moment?
Audience- Who is the photograph meant to appeal to?
Message- What is the message really trying to get you to believe?
Style- Is it black and white, color, action, still life?  Is it staged or real?

Image 1- Child.Vulture:
S- Kids in 3rd world countries are dying of starvation
A- People of the world, “wealthy” countries in particular
M- People need to help those who are down
S- Color

Image 2- Man In Front of Tanks:
S- A man is standing in front of a tank to protest the government
A- The people under rule of the government
M- Progress can happen when citizens stand up to corrupt politicians
S- Color

Image 3- segregation:
S- The “whites” have better water fountains than the “colored”
A- People of America, particularly those in the most segregated parts
M- Segregation is wrong
S- B/W

Image 4- Iraqi Prisoner With Child:
S- A man is being held prisoner (possibly of war) with a small child with him
A- Humanitarians, people who can make a difference
M- There are people suffering who need help
S- Color

Photo Notes 1-14-14:
Candid- Taken informally usually without subject’s knowledge; real
Documentary- Documents events; real

Composed- intentional/staged, usually on set or studio, can appear to be “candid”; not real