Thursday, January 23, 2014

Composition NOTES 1/23/14

  • Rule of thirds
    • image divided into 3 equal points both horizontally and vertically
    • Keep Center of Interest (CI) away from center of photo
    • Horizon in upper or lower third
    • more interesting visually pleasing
  • Static vs. Dynamic
  • still
    • lacking movement/action
  • boring
  • centered
  • informational, reference
  • ok for portraits
  • horizontal + vertical lines parallel to edges of photos; straight on
  • symmetrical balance
    • (exactly similar parts facing each other
  • suggest stability, exaggerated balance, confinement, rigidity
  • moving
    • characterized by constant change, energy, or activity
  • exciting
  • rule of thirds
  • compelling, emotional
    • have to look at it
  • lots of diagonals + converging lines
  • center of interest to one side or the other (rule of thirds)
  • asymmetrical (informal) balance
  • action or motion

    • landscape suggests peace, rest
    • portrait suggests power, dignity, height

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