Friday, January 17, 2014

Notes for Week 1- 1/13 through 1/17

Photo Notes 1.13.14
Story- What is the image telling you about what is happening at the moment?
Audience- Who is the photograph meant to appeal to?
Message- What is the message really trying to get you to believe?
Style- Is it black and white, color, action, still life?  Is it staged or real?

Image 1- Child.Vulture:
S- Kids in 3rd world countries are dying of starvation
A- People of the world, “wealthy” countries in particular
M- People need to help those who are down
S- Color

Image 2- Man In Front of Tanks:
S- A man is standing in front of a tank to protest the government
A- The people under rule of the government
M- Progress can happen when citizens stand up to corrupt politicians
S- Color

Image 3- segregation:
S- The “whites” have better water fountains than the “colored”
A- People of America, particularly those in the most segregated parts
M- Segregation is wrong
S- B/W

Image 4- Iraqi Prisoner With Child:
S- A man is being held prisoner (possibly of war) with a small child with him
A- Humanitarians, people who can make a difference
M- There are people suffering who need help
S- Color

Photo Notes 1-14-14:
Candid- Taken informally usually without subject’s knowledge; real
Documentary- Documents events; real

Composed- intentional/staged, usually on set or studio, can appear to be “candid”; not real

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